1.  As many as 50,000 people stood outside the arena and lined the streets of a three-mile procession before the ceremony.

2.  As many as 80 people stood outside.

3.  As Columbus sailed away, people stood on the dock and shouted, "Yo, Columbus!

4.  Do people stand outside of people's houses and peek into windows to see what you are watching?

5.  Despite their early start, some people stood in line for hours to cast their ballots.

6.  During Friday evening's visitation at the Weeden House Museum, people stood in a receiving line for 75 minutes to deliver their condolences.

7.  Ever wonder where black people stand on abortion, homosexuality, racial issues or the best place to buy barbecue?

8.  For the second morning show, we allowed people to stand."

9.  For years, homeless people have stood on street corners holding signs that say "Will Work For Food."

10.  From the four directions of the crossroad at Piety and Rampart streets, people stood in half-open doors and stared toward the ceremony.

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