1.  As many as 10,000 people run the river every summer, but we would see only fleeting glimpses of others the entire week.

2.  As more people run up against the barriers of managed care, fear of HMOs is becoming a common affliction.

3.  Dead people don't run up medical bills, only people who might have died but didn't.

4.  Doug mentions that people are running out of firewood.

5.  Experts interpret that as an indication that more people are running red lights.

6.  Few people run Linux on the home machines on which they play games.

7.  Far more people run or swim or kick a ball for sheer pleasure than ever before.

8.  Greenspan's remarks "seemed to tilt the scales; people are running now with that fear the Fed's going to tighten" credit, Grannis said.

9.  Goldman foresees true economies of scale in expansion, with his only reservation being finding committed people to run the plants.

10.  He began putting together arts festivals when all the resort people in Sullivan County were running up to Albany begging the politicians to legalize gambling.

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