1.  Even though people pick this horse, this number, whatever it may be (to bet on), it's a social event.

2.  Every Thursday, the Argosy puts a barrel of unwanted and damaged volumes out on the sidewalk for people to pick through.

3.  Few people have picked Utah to make it this far with a team that doesn't exactly fit the mold of a colorful and talented Final Four representative.

4.  Few people would pick Greg Maddux over Ken Griffey or a dozen other guys in just about any draft.

5.  GA-CARTOONIST _ Most people couldn't pick Atlanta native Jack Davis, 76, out of a crowd, but everyone knows his work.

6.  He had never tasted a seafood stew like the one he ate the other day or tried many of the tropical fruits people here pick from their backyard trees.

7.  He added: "When people picked on him, we would stick up for him.

8.  He made people pick sides."

9.  Here in Djakovica, people have been picking through the abandoned Yugoslav military base for anything that might be useful again.

10.  His mother explained: "I wanted him to know self-defense because people pick on the bigger kids.

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