1.  As if sending their kids off to summer camp weren't cruel enough, parents also expect their kids to write them letters.

2.  Even then, parents should expect some sadness from time to time.

3.  Even then, Butler said, parents should expect most principals to act conservatively.

4.  Following her dream comes at the expense of her music career, an endeavor her parents had expected her to follow.

5.  Fried remembers that all his parents expected of him was that he work hard and "do my best.

6.  He opens the refrigerator door, glancing at the list of chores his parents expect him to do each day to earn his $5 weekly allowance.

7.  Her parents expect that upon returning home she will be an unhappy, uneducated and unappreciative adolescent ex-deity.

8.  Hewlett said parents can expect little relief from the government.

9.  His parents had been expecting this day.

10.  However, I'm not always sure what their parents expect from me.

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