1.  Derian Hatcher walked through a sea of battered bodies and bruised egos eight days ago, the sickly aftermath of an 8-0 loss to Los Angeles.

2.  Curiel walked up and down the bank, saying the word "five."

3.  Dan Stanley walked into the reception area of the Capitol Hill office where Sen. Bob Dole conducts his Kansas business.

4.  David Toms walked off the 18th green with a new appreciation of the 64 he shot in last year's final round.

5.  Dockworkers at the public terminal in Santos walked off the job yesterday at 7 a.m., stopping the loading and unloading of coffee, soybeans and other goods.

6.  Diners walk through a bright, tunnel-like passageway and past the restaurant's open kitchen into the main room.

7.  Dodgers shortstop Greg Gagne, who spent 13 years in the American League with the Twins and Royals, walked into the clubhouse to a warm welcome.

8.  Dogs walk right by him.

9.  Dole walked into the yard to music from the soundtrack of the movie "Patriot Games," performed by the Irish contemporary folk singer Enya.

10.  Donald Manuel Paradis walked out of a courtroom in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, on Tuesday, a free man for the first time in 21 years.

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