1.  Dan Fouts, the great San Diego quarterback, once described his first game in the NFL as analagous to putting your head inside a popcorn maker.

2.  Darden repeatedly described Simpson as a powerful time bomb with a long, slow-burning fuse.

3.  Daschle, the majority leader, incorrectly described members of his staff as "infected."

4.  Diana Vreeland, the fashion editor, who became a champion of McCardell, once described a McCardell dress as pathetic.

5.  Diamandopoulos also described improvements in his severance fund, which is accumulating at the rate of 30 percent of his salary each year.

6.  Diamond carefully describes the proof as "the theorem of Wiles, completed by Taylor and Wiles."

7.  Doctors usually describe a normal prostate as the size of a walnut.

8.  Dornan also described President Clinton as a "pathological liar" and "a criminal in the White House," among other things.

9.  Doris Kearns Goodwin, a distinguished historian of the period, recently described a Democratic ad of that campaign depicting scissors cutting a Social Security card in half.

10.  Drilling proponents instead describe a desolate tundra.

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