1.  DePuy, which claims to be the world's oldest orthopedics product maker, will continue to operate independently.

2.  Current Chairman Michael Egan, who founded the company, will continue to run Alamo.

3.  Demand for office space will continue to rise amid the "explosive growth" in technological industries, according to Landauer.

4.  Curt Lowey will continue to head the design company as creative director.

5.  Curtis and band members have continued to be mum about Abbruzzese's departure.

6.  Customers who also subscribe to Cox's cable TV or telephone service will continue to get a $10 per month discount for their high-speed Internet service.

7.  Customers with the 3D technology will continue to be able to show the other 39 Iwerks movies.

8.  Daimler is continuing to benefit from a reorganization, begun two years ago, that aims to return all units to profit by next year.

9.  Deposits are continuing to grow, even as interest rates dwindle to near nothing.

10.  Deutsche Grammophon will continue to focus on the mainstream of music history.

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