1.  As he does time and again, year after year, Leonard moves his story along as much with dialogue as with narrative.

2.  Director Brett Leonard ("Lawnmower Man," "Virtuosity") moves the story along briskly.

3.  EDs: Repeating a story first moved last story for weekend use.

4.  Eds: Repeating for all needing a story first moved last week in advance for Saturday, July 27.

5.  EDs: CoxNet has packaged and moved two stories that sing the praises of life on the water.

6.  EDS: CoxNet will move a story from the funeral of former Stephen F. Austin basketball star and ABL player Katrina Price.

7.  EDs: Dayton expects to move the stories in this package between 6 and 7 p.m. EDT.

8.  EDS: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will not move the story DISABLED-COMPUTERS tonight.

9.  Eds: This story will be moved by Dayton.

10.  Ed note: The P-I is moving food stories on Wednesday this week instead of Sunday because they are Thanksgiving-related.

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