1.  As a family in a Toyota minivan pulls alongside, the young men try to impress them with their car's ability to bounce up and down.

2.  As a yellow canary looked on from its cage, the two men tried to recall the group of young men they started at the mines with decades earlier.

3.  Each man tried to stake out political safe ground Monday on the issue.

4.  Each man will try and draw a stark picture of the policies of the other.

5.  Even the movie's signature gross-out bit, in which a young man desperately tries to retrieve a whirring vibrator from an unflushed toilet is bungled.

6.  Every time a black man tries to protect his own neighborhood, they come in and bust our heads."

7.  Far richer men have tried using their own fortunes to run for president, so far without success.

8.  For a two-week European tour, men should try to look continental.

9.  For nearly all of 1997, the two men tried to buy the casino and hotel properties of ITT Inc., the conglomerate run by Rand Araskog.

10.  For two decades the two men have tried to meet every Saturday morning at Murray's Colonie house to discuss Northern Ireland politics.

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