1.  As a football player, Peppers will be leading No. 22 North Carolina into Thursday night's nationally-televised game against No. 23 Georgia Tech.

2.  Currently, Clinton, who won Ohio in 1992, is leading Dole by six points in polls here.

3.  Despite the influx of new young white viewers, the tenuous economics of running a network are leading some executives to rethink the strategy of catering to urban audiences.

4.  Despite that record, the Blizzard is leading the ABL in attendance in the league's inaugural season, largely because of Rizzotti's popularity in the Connecticut area.

5.  Diabetics may soon be leading less painful lives.

6.  Danny Lasoski is leading the points standings after three consecutive top-five finishes.

7.  Dick Hilmer is leading a gaggle of Girl Scouts through the waters of Town Cove when he stops paddling and waits for the younger kayakers to catch up.

8.  Dave Cowens's guys also are leading the league in rebounding, led by, of course, ex-Celtic Danny Fortson.

9.  David Carlisle is leading the campaign against the book entitled "Black Soldier, White Army."

10.  Despite the unusual cold on the launch pad that morning, there was little out of the ordinary in meetings leading up to the launch.

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