1.  As a coach, I've grown not to get upset by lateness to practices, but I think it's tremendously insulting to his teammates.

2.  As a husband and eventually a father, Yeats grew to feel "more knitted into life."

3.  As both black and conservative, he grew to detest the expectation that, because of his skin color, he should be liberal.

4.  Desertion, like draft-dodging, is something the Russian military command has grown to accept.

5.  Despite the overzealous fans, Bowie grew to appreciate Italy while he was there, too.

6.  Despite the rough handling, the plants grew to produce seeds that contained the bacteria DNA.

7.  Did she grow to hate the lustful old song?

8.  Disney executives grew to rely on Mr. Nanula to add levity to meetings.

9.  Does it bother him that he has grown to lean on a man from the country that oppressed him?

10.  Depending on their parents' relationship, some children of divorce may grow to deeply resent men or women.

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