1.  As the night grew later, a younger and tougher-looking group joined the crowd ringed around the walls of the compound.

2.  At least two veterans groups have joined Stump's crusade.

3.  Diverse Muslim groups joined bin Laden's global jihad.

4.  Dooley said his group likely would join the government in defending the Bush standard.

5.  Earlier this month, the big aluminum group Pechiney joined Alcan of Canada and Alusuisse Lonza of Switzerland to form a behemoth to challenge the pre-eminence of Alcoa.

6.  Group buying _ in which groups of customers join together to extract wholesale prices on specific items they want from manufacturers _ is starting to catch on.

7.  In 1993, the group joined One Little Indian, a label that has been home to Bjork, Skunk Anansie and The Shamen.

8.  In Missouri, more than 4,700 groups have joined the cleanup program since 1987, from Boy Scouts to Masons to Wal-Mart employees.

9.  In recent weeks, national environmental groups have joined local organizations in sending letters to the White House urging protection of the Meadowlands.

10.  In the past five years, the manufacturers group has joined grass-roots organizations to push for affordable housing in Silicon Valley's cities.

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