1.  As a feminist fighting for women's right to vote in 1917, she experienced the pain of discrimination and indifference.

2.  As Baker-Finch desperately fought to live up to his new status and new title, the golf game that had gotten him there drifted away.

3.  As a child of wealthy parents who were steeped in state and national politics, she is fighting to maintain the promise of her heritage.

4.  Currently, it's fighting to keep the beef checkoff alive.

5.  Despite the deaths, the Rangers are sure to fight to keep their harsh training.

6.  Despite this, and despite her insistence that Newman fight to show everyone he's not Jewish, everyone assumes she's a Jew.

7.  Dan Evans in Washington and Tom McCall in Oregon fought to create a Hells Canyon National Recreation Area on the Snake River.

8.  Do I intend to continue to fight to assert my innocence?

9.  Dog groups in Brooklyn and elsewhere are fighting to head off new dog regulations and to preserve the privileges they now enjoy in the public parks.

10.  Defense lawyers fight to keep them out, prosecutors agonize over which ones to use.

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