1.  Any temptation Rudnick felt to relocate to Los Angeles ended with his inability to get a driver's license.

2.  Any time you go back to a course where you've played well or won before, you feel you've got a chance."

3.  Desert-fish advocates have long felt the need to keep tabs on the imperiled pupfish population itself.

4.  Department stores that cater to the middle price range felt the squeeze as customers split their dollars between high-end and low-end merchants.

5.  Despite his awesome advantages in life, Bush does not seem to feel much need to prove anything about himself.

6.  Democrats in Congress, on the sidelines in the budget negotiations, felt no compunction to help out either the Republicans or the president.

7.  Despite these concerns, some say they feel secure enough _ at least for now _ to conduct their daily business with little cash.

8.  Despite the Dodgers' expectations, Gagne said he feels no pressure to outperform Offerman.

9.  Despite these cars' shortcomings, Detroit automakers, particularly GM, still feel pressure to match the Japanese entrants.

10.  Despite flourishing at Ballet Theater, he felt the need to take a break.

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