1.  As a sign of the growing worries about Black Goo worldwide, an international conference was held 12 days ago in Siena, Italy, to discuss the problem.

2.  As I discussed my problem with them, I soon discovered that every time I mentioned estrangement, somebody else had a problem like it.

3.  Diaz is just as outspoken when discussing the problems within his own industry:

4.  Difficult as it is, Dukakis suggested that older people may be willing to discuss the problem.

5.  Earlier on Tuesday, Trimble discussed the problem in Belfast with Gerry Adams, the Sinn Fein president.

6.  Evans said he discussed Enron's problems with the president at several meetings in November and December.

7.  Even its managers agreed NEPOOL has been a club in which utility management could discuss common problems and develop common solutions.

8.  Even when you both feel angry, if you have an established routine for discussing problems, you'll know when, where and how to do it.

9.  Eventually, she found help at CUAV, where she was able to discuss her problems in a non-judgmental environment.

10.  FAA officials began increasing inspections at Boeing two months ago and are meeting frequently with the company to monitor aircraft production and to discuss potential problems.

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