1.  Despite her background, Madden does not describe herself as a designer.

2.  Developing plays were not described.

3.  Dr. Nielsen's treatment and condition were not described in detail.

4.  Didn't the Doles describe themselves as "unlimited partners" in their joint 1988 autobiography?

5.  Doesn't that pretty much describe all math professors?

6.  Dr. Raadsma would not describe the plan in detail, saying that the breeder, who is working with a group of owners, asked him to keep silent.

7.  Even Penney's most devoted customers do not describe it as fashionable.

8.  Even so, his courtroom treatment of Boies could never be described as fawning or deferential.

9.  Even though some of the aforementioned coaches have been recycled in their careers, retreads does not accurately describe their talent or experience.

10.  Even so, friends cannot describe Ms. Duff without returning to her beauty.

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