1.  Essential weekend services like patrols at borders, weather forecasts and veterans' hospitals were continued.

2.  Foremost among them has been continued picketing by displaced vendors of stores on 125th Street, with vendors urging shoppers to boycott businesses not owned by black merchants.

3.  Her case was continued until next January _ the next time US Magistrate Judge Zachary R. Karol draws Wellfleet duty.

4.  Her case was continued without a finding.

5.  Her work at Child Development Research is being continued by Dr. Fogelman and associates.

6.  Her case was continued to Jan. 10.

7.  His case was also continued to Dec. 1.

8.  His case was continued to March 21.

9.  His case was continued until April 30.

10.  His case was continued to Friday.

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