1.  As an indication of his schooling in coalition-building, consider the fact that Zaman's commander was a Pashtun named Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

2.  Did the filmmakers consider the fact that their target audience would do just that _ and reject this flat, ultimately forgettable piece of fluff?

3.  Ferry probably deserves something considering the fact that he has been an abuse receptacle for his entire NBA career.

4.  Fleischer said that considering the fact that Congress was not in session Monday, the luncheon attendance was good.

5.  He added: "I would urge the church deacons to consider the fact that their church is under the lordship of Christ.

6.  He may also be considering the fact that that office would keep him closer to his family at a time when his children are still young.

7.  He said the immigration service found Constant quickly, "considering the fact he could have been anywhere in the United States."

8.  He threw hard, considering the fact it was the first time he was really cutting it loose.

9.  He said everyone should calm down, consider the facts.

10.  Herta Huber had approached her mother's employers first, not considering the fact that they were Jews.

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