1.  As these changes happen, TWA's identity, forged over 76 years, is slowly disappearing.

2.  At Sansui Electric, changes happened faster.

3.  Either way, the change won't happen soon.

4.  Explain why the change is happening, why you are confident in your successor's ability and how the transition will occur.

5.  Granted, that was a very different time, but it reminds us that change may not happen overnight.

6.  He expects computer and networking shares to fall today because "when change happens, it always takes a little while."

7.  High cries were felled and a pure change happened.

8.  I did get to see the changes happen."

9.  I have long felt that the rupture of our daily patterns is where power lies; important changes happen when we break the rut of habit.

10.  If such changes do happen, they'll be driven more by cost than by worries over security, says John Kennedy of Jewelers Security Alliance.

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