1.  As an adult, he settled in the southern Swiss city of Pregassona, where he slowly built what Italian newspapers described as "his fortune."

2.  As monopolies, utilities built whatever facilities they thought were needed to serve customers, and were guaranteed a profit even if their forecasts were wrong.

3.  Each December in Bergen, Norway, residents help build what they call the world's biggest gingerbread city.

4.  During the gubernatorial debate in El Paso, Democrat Garry Mauro came out flatly against the site and Bush said it wouldn't be built if the site was unsafe.

5.  Enron Corp. got the go-ahead to build what would be India's largest power plant after permission was denied last year.

6.  Eric was deeply rooted in that area by his choice, by his investment in building what was his home and by his work.

7.  Eventually over time and a lot of practice and trust and confidence in each other, we were able to build what we've become."

8.  Even outstanding works can be dogged by the familiarity that builds when artists jet from one show to another to create the same engaging effects.

9.  For five years, a mysterious crew has been using the site to build what they describe as a "parallel Web."

10.  For Peres, the new government is probably his last opportunity to build what he has called "the new Middle East."

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