1.  As always, Hollywood Park opens just as racing fans are preoccupied with the Triple Crown, which begins with the Kentucky Derby a week from Saturday.

2.  As did his teammates, who began a hugging, high-fiving celebration.

3.  As for coming out, where does Ellen DeGeneres end and Ellen Morgan begin?

4.  As it did on Dec. 1, the court will make the sound recording of the argument available immediately after the proceedings, which begin at 11 a.m.

5.  CUBA-RUSSIA (Moscow) _ Setting the stage for the visit to Cuba by Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, which begins Wednesday.

6.  Even if it means a winter of getting booed in the big time, which begins for him in January at Gulfstream Park.

7.  Exactly which failure began the sequence _ which occurred under extraordinary conditions never envisioned in the buildings' design _ remains a matter of intense debate.

8.  Exactly when does the millennium begin _ on Jan. 1, 2000, or Jan. 1, 2001?

9.  Except for one woman who began warbling opera, her voice filling the studio until she was gently shushed.

10.  For many boards, what begins as an innocuous arrangement can become a troubling one.

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