1.  Directly ahead of them is a game Thursday night with Tampa Bay, the team they most need to beat if their fleeting playoff hopes are to remain alive.

2.  Duvall's character prepares to leave, but is robbed and beaten when he behaves injudiciously in one of Chicago's black neighborhoods.

3.  Early in the session, Newman put up the speed to beat when he ran a lap at 191.463 miles per hour.

4.  Few golfers in recent decades have been tougher to beat when they get the lead or look more determined on the back nine Sunday.

5.  For two weeks, we are playing teams we need to beat if we are going to recover.

6.  Gatins said that the two suspects were beaten when authorities detained them and then tortured two of their relatives in front of them to make the suspects confess.

7.  Goossen must beat whomever he fights and Camacho must beat Tony Menefee on Tuesday for the fight to happen.

8.  He had one horse beaten when they straightened away down the backstretch in the Derby.

9.  He said we totally dominated them, and they would have been beaten if it wasn't for Hasek.

10.  He was getting kicked in the head and beaten when Thomas intervened, risking her life to save his.

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