1.  As for the Northern Alliance control of Kabul, Afridi said, "Pakistan has from the very beginning pushed for a broad based government in Afghanistan.

2.  But American officials are hopeful that Mandela will be able to extract from Kabila a promise to set up a broadly based provisional government.

3.  But he didn't rule out joining a broad based government.

4.  President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, after hearing the views of the political parties, asked him to form a broadly based government to tackle political reforms.

5.  Silvio Berlusconi and a group of Catholic parties want a widely based government to work on constitutional changes.

6.  Still, D'Alema didn't rule out joining a broad based government.

7.  The difficulties will be compounded unless a broadly based government is swiftly installed in Kabul and neutral peacekeeping forces introduced.

8.  The former Mediobanca SpA chairman's mandate was to create a widely based government to carry out political reforms, such as allowing voters to elect the president directly.

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