1.  Denver did not back off.

2.  Delegates at its annual convention today backed leaders' plans for a parliamentary bill for "eco-taxes" on the use of energy and other resources.

3.  Deputies from the ruling Olive Tree coalition and its communist allies backed the bill.

4.  Did Yitzhak Rabin's government back down on May 22 from its decision to confiscate Arab land in Jerusalem because it feared for its parliamentary life?

5.  Did the Allies back down?

6.  Did you back over Fifi on your way to work?

7.  Davis' GOP predecessor, Gov. Pete Wilson, backed the idea of lowering the approval level from a two-thirds to a majority vote.

8.  Disarmed by Torre's quiet dignity, Steinbrenner backed down, for perhaps the first time in his bellicose, 26-year Yankee tenure.

9.  DETROIT: backed off.

10.  Deutsche Telekom backed out when U S West threatened to sue to make Qwest comply with their merger agreement.

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