1.  As a result, air and water pollution remain serious threats to public health.

2.  As a result this privately owned house remains very much the same as when it was built.

3.  As a result, he remains 37 yards short of becoming the second Jet, after Freeman McNeil, to amass consecutive 1,000-yard rushing seasons.

4.  As a result, Vaughn remained a member of the Anaheim Angels, at least until further notice.

5.  As always, he remains Larry Bird.

6.  Depressingly, the Russian service of Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty remains Russia's primary supplier of impartial news, just as it was in Soviet times.

7.  Currently, he remains a valued contributor for MSNBC.

8.  Eight hundred years later, music remains an integral aspect of Welsh childhood.

9.  Essentially by default, he remains the leader."

10.  Even now his four-season winning percentage of .569 remains the third best among Eagle coaches.

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