1.  Eventually he ended up in Chicago, where he saw medieval manuscripts for the first time.

2.  Eventually, I ended up atop a bridge, where a man in a yellow shirt (that's how you know it's him) offered help.

3.  Eventually, Mike ended up at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston, where a specialist told him it was likely he had multiple sclerosis.

4.  Eventually, they end up at Grauman's Chinese Theater where after a shootout Lamar collapses onto the cement footprints.

5.  Eventually, Eugene ends up in the hospital, where his tonsils are removed accidentally.

6.  Even when Stoudamire ends up with 27 points.

7.  Eventually Pioli ended up in New York, where he met Dallas Parcells.

8.  Eventually, he ended up at Reata, Emilie at Del Frisco's.

9.  Finally Hirata ends up in a remote Icelandic burg where all the residents are major country and western fans and have the wardrobes to prove it.

10.  Finally, he ended up at the edge of a very steep cliff.

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