1.  As a result thermal diodes have found only limited applications, such as making electricity from nuclear sources in space probes or satellites.

2.  As a result, a handful of such artists are finding mainstream success.

3.  As a result, a nurse couldn't find a vein for a blood sample.

4.  As a result, Clinton has found the controversy overshadowing his inaugural preparations.

5.  As a result, the savvy cyberconsumer can find sites selling all sorts of items.

6.  As a result, managers must find new ways to manage.

7.  As a result, the 49ers must find a replacement, either in free agency or the draft.

8.  As a result, these shares could find their way into the market as well.

9.  Early on, he didn't find a very receptive audience in the playgrounds, alleys, parks, El stations and churches of the South Side.

10.  Eight months later, most of the people in the group that had written about their thoughts had found jobs.

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