1.  Finally, the concrete substructure beneath the stage has been dropped by several inches, creating a more resonant sounding chamber.

2.  For example, car exports have been dropping for a while, experts said.

3.  However, aerospace-related jobs have been dropping at a rate of about 3,000 a month in recent months, Flaming said.

4.  In addition, the number of structurally deficient bridges has been dropped from 864 in 1991 to 598, a 31 percent decline.

5.  In fact, general-aviation travel has been dropping at Sky Harbor.

6.  Instead, Harkes, the first Yank to succeed at the top level of English soccer, has been dropped by the national coach, Steve Sampson.

7.  More than, 2,500 bombs have been dropped in the battle against enemy forces in the mountains near Gardez.

8.  Normally, they would have dropped to their seasonal low of 59 cents to 79 cents each by now.

9.  Now, the top two teams will be dropped on his doorstep.

10.  Perhaps chronological age should be dropped as the measurement to determine how old a person is.

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