1.  Despite its utilitarian bent, Army Times has not avoided controversy.

2.  Despite Nintendo's fame, Yamauchi has avoided the limelight.

3.  Democrats officially have avoided that extreme.

4.  Despite urging others to take that step, she has avoided filling out her own health proxy.

5.  Descended from Muslims, the Parsee have avoided persecution by adopting a neutral stance, but that works no longer.

6.  Despite a reputation for a sharp tongue, House Majority Leader Dick Armey has largely avoided controversy in recent weeks while Speaker Newt Gingrich stayed in the hot seat.

7.  Despite some frictions, Sharon has consistently avoided open conflict with the administration.

8.  Despite that cultural inheritance, or more likely because of it, I'd avoided the look.

9.  Despite the payroll to do so, Melvin has thus far avoided one fear _ having a player hit the $10 million or beyond mark in yearly salary.

10.  Despite the problems, Deutsche Bank has avoided some of the spectacular problems that have beset other banks.

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