1.  As is the girl who asked me to play guitar while we make love.

2.  As he told a Houston TV sportscaster who asked if he had anything funny to say, "Funny?

3.  Ditto in a survey by Iwin.com, which asked visitors to its Web site to vote on Super Bowl spots in six categories.

4.  DUMBWAITER: one who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.

5.  Except for Steve Fitch, who asked that he be drawn as a chimp.

6.  Every time they run into an old friend who asks if they have children.

7.  ETHICS-COLUMN (Undated) _ What should an ethical person think when asked to operate behind a colleague's back?

8.  For Styer, who asked Breslin to design a therapy program for Minster, these advantages are not just theory.

9.  How 'bout Joe, you ask?

10.  How can I ask him to do that?"

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