1.  As Stewart Cink asks, no disrespect to Woods' accomplishments: Why is everyone allowing him two shots at Augusta?

2.  As he questioned Hauer about who would be allowed into the center, sound effects of King Kong and bomb blasts echoed over the air.

3.  Ask yourself this: Why on earth would he allow that to happen?

4.  Except for Johnson, who allowed only two hits and two unearned runs during his three-inning appearance.

5.  Fisher also discussed developments in digital imaging technology, which will allow people to make re-prints and enlargements while they wait.

6.  For information about the program, which allows employees to invest their retirement dollars in Dreyfus funds, call 800 557-4015.

7.  For that matter, why is a warmonger like Hussein allowed to remain in total command of such an army?

8.  Greene County Prosecutor Bill Schenck knows what everybody is thinking: How could the courts allow this to go on?

9.  How can he be allowed to move around freely here?"

10.  How can they allow this?"

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