1.  Emanuel said the White House had found that executive action "adds pressure, spurs legislative action and brings focus on the matter at hand."

2.  Establishing such a right, many fear, would add social pressure to choose suicide, especially on those who are depressed, poor or isolated.

3.  Fassel said a lot of people have asked him if there was added pressure on him because he would be going up against Parcells.

4.  Even so, the Kyoto conference will add extra pressure.

5.  Expectations to succeed earlier in life _ expectations imposed by themselves, and by people around them _ add pressure.

6.  Five moderate Republican senators seem ready to support Foster, adding pressure on Dole to deliver for social conservatives.

7.  Forbes' and Gramm's comments could add pressure on Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole to oppose the treaty.

8.  Further adding pressure to the city are the concurrent negotiations by the Kings with the nearby city of Inglewood.

9.  Gooden said: "You try to get out of here with one, but I didn't want to add any pressure.

10.  He did not want to add more pressure to an already pressure-filled day.

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