81.  If not, she will.

82.  If people really begin doing most of their shopping at home, what would that do to retail stores?

83.  If tourists stop coming, will local people stop helping to preserve the gorillas' habitat?

84.  If you don't, you will, as we spend a few evenings watching latter-day Dr. Doolittles save the beasts.

85.  If the Fed does decide to cut interest rates a week from Tuesday, by how much will it cut?

86.  If you went with the variable annuity plan and withdrew $2,400 a month, how long would the money last?

87.  If you don't, you will.

88.  If not, somebody else probably will.

89.  If not, they won't.

90.  If placed into an envelope today, how long will the spores be able to infect a human?

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