81.  At the end of the process, the students take exams and write personal statements in order to be certified.

82.  If 15 students take the offer and defer admission, Cornell stands to lose $360,000 from its tuition revenue next year.

83.  If a student takes time off from school and then comes back, many plans will deny coverage if the student is not in good health.

84.  If students took tests over and over, average accuracy would improve, just as Mike Piazza's full-season batting average more accurately reflects his hitting prowess.

85.  If the same student took it the next day, he or she would probably get one wrong."

86.  If they are lower, students will take them for granted."

87.  In 1968 French students took to the streets and nearly made a revolution.

88.  If students take the ball, then they go with it."

89.  In 1993, Lew Carpenter of Issaquah, Wash., was teaching English in Poprad, Slovakia, when his students took him on a field trip.

90.  If these are not met, the students could take to the streets again.

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