71.  Q: I recently heard about a case in which a man took a dog out of a woman's car after her car bumped his.

72.  Preceding story: Mayor Rudolph Giuliani encourages people to take their dogs to the vet.

73.  Q. I know there are restrictions on taking dogs into Britain, but do these also apply to seeing-eye dogs for the blind?

74.  Question: Where's the one place you shouldn't take a dog shopping?

75.  Schwab said the dog followed him home, where he met Boztepe, who agreed to take the dog in for the night.

76.  Schurig said he could now get up in the morning and "see the alarm clock, take the dogs out.

77.  She and her daughter took the dog to a veterinarian, but it died.

78.  She has driven the truck out to dinner to Nobu in TriBeCa, and to Central Park to take her dog, Claude, for a walk.

79.  She takes her dog, Kitty, along on most trips, and gives her cars names like "the flying phroomph."

80.  She took the dog outside and the pet wandered off.

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