71.  Artistic control had a new meaning at the Villa Primavisi, where the Viennese architect Josef Hofmann issued house guests a caftan in their bedroom textile.

72.  Did you hear about the new types of Treasury bonds to be issued to avoid default?

73.  DeVillars and Laing insisted that congressional interest had no bearing on the decision not to issue a fine, saying the decision was ultimately made by the case team.

74.  Dewhurst and Abbott issued statements praising Gramm for his service, but sidestepped questions about how the senator's decision will affect their own plans.

75.  DHS legislative assistant Rosalie Lopez said the licenses were issued "because there was not a requirement that said we couldn't."

76.  Despite that potential, Wachovia has yet to issue a rating on Healtheon/WebMD and is not advising a purchase.

77.  Despite the array of troubles that the resignation brings, Clinton issued a brief statement calling Morris "my friend" and "a superb political strategist."

78.  Despite the clash, Robertson issued a statement Tuesday that expressed sorrow and offered condolences to his family.

79.  Daschle, however, quickly denied issuing such a challenge.

80.  Diamante issued a statement yesterday saying talks, which have been going on for three years with Cemex, will continue.

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