41.  Anyone can think of an instance when we can use those words to define a part of our personality.

42.  Cynthia Ferrell, of Bennie Ferrell Catering in Houston, thinks people do change their tastes over time, but gradually.

43.  Despite that, many think Malone will have trouble making the numbers add up.

44.  Despite the burgeoning numbers, some think the party is rapidly ending.

45.  Despite the defections, Williams doesn't think the college game has been diminished.

46.  Despite the denials, some analysts think AOL seeks to corner the instant messaging market by lining up big Internet service providers like MindSpring and EarthLink.

47.  Despite the difficulties, Turner thinks his effort in Asia is well worth effort.

48.  Despite the economic malaise, Peon thinks he can customize his offering to take advantage of the strengths in the economy.

49.  Despite her rags and tatters in the novel, Sara thinks, "I can be a princess inside."

50.  Despite his distaste for tobacco company gear, Pugh thinks kids should be able to wear what they want.

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