41.  As bad a condition as I was in, I refused to let it defeat me."

42.  Curtis refused to ask her mother to participate, however, unless it was really something special.

43.  Curtis, never on good terms with Paul, refuses to speak to him, until Paul moves into Sidra's house.

44.  Despite a 1992 U.S.-China agreement to allow visits by American officials to alleged prison labor, China has routinely refused U.S. requests.

45.  Despite a warm homecoming, local merchants refuse to accept his personal check.

46.  Democrats accuse her of helping to steal the election for George W. Bush by refusing to allow time for a valid recount.

47.  Despite last week's rains, water officials are refusing to call the drought over.

48.  Despite nearly four decades of evidence to the contrary _ millions of married and cohabiting feminists in love with their men _ those myths about feminism refuse to die.

49.  Customers and employees accused the company of refusing to seat blacks, insisting they pay in advance and even locking them out.

50.  Despite overwhelming support from their core constituency _ business _ Lott repeatedly refused to schedule a firm date for a vote in June or July.

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