41.  Associates of the family said she drank for several years before her parents ever knew.

42.  He sees to it that parents know about things such as churches that sell used school clothes or the Don Bosco giveaway, he said.

43.  He isn't able to talk or express emotions in a way visitors can understand, but his parents know his language of grunts and "ah"s.

44.  Her parents didn't know what to say because she was a woman.

45.  High test scores, for instance, mean little unless parents know how many students took the test.

46.  His parents know the feeling.

47.  His parents didn't know where he was for six weeks, until someone from the Israeli consulate snuck a cell phone into the prison.

48.  His parents knew that any position in the Armed Forces could be chancy, but they could have never imagined their son would find himself in such peril.

49.  His parents knew they had a goalie on their hands when they tried to make him a defenseman.

50.  His parents knew which set of schools were the be-all and end-all in their social circle.

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