41.  I still believe in a saying: When you're going good, your friends know you.

42.  If your best friend knows his way around computers and has a PC, get a PC.

43.  If your computer-geek friends know one platform better, you'll have a built-in technical support network.

44.  If you give the impression your pockets are bottomless you will suddenly have more friends than you know what to do with.

45.  Investigators said they do not believe the friend knew anything about the escape plot.

46.  It seemed like all my friends knew their fathers.

47.  It's just that his friends don't know it.

48.  Kushner maintained a cheerfully confident facade at the award ceremonies, but friends knew he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

49.  Leonard Foglia, the director, possibly did a lot of work getting all this together, but only his best friends know for sure.

50.  Let your friend know that she, like everyone else, deserves that.

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