31.  Anybody remember the good old days when people thought things through BEFORE they expressed them publicly, thereby avoiding the need to retreat and issue apologies?

32.  Despite Bush's sober words, they said, no new warnings had been issued based on the documents found in Afghanistan.

33.  Democrats noted angrily that Thompson decided to issue 52 subpoenas last week without first trying to get the targets to voluntarily turn over the documents.

34.  Dena Jee, now 26 and living in California, Torricelli said, issued a statement on Wednesday through Torricelli's campaign office.

35.  Dennis said she would consider the news organizations' request, but did not say when she would issue a decision.

36.  Despite new technologies, conventional mammograms are still the best way to detect and diagnose breast cancer, according to a report issued Thursday.

37.  Dah Wah issued a statement May 23 saying it didn't know why its share price has surged the way it has.

38.  Despite the camouflaged Gor-Tex jackets we'd been issued, we were soaked and freezing.

39.  Daimler issued a statement this afternoon confirming that Schrempp had been detained by Italian police July 19 and released after a "routine" identification check.

40.  Despite the warnings, American officials have not issued any warnings about herbal supplements made from kava.

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