21.  Any statistics on the rate at which students write home for money?

22.  As a boy, Safdie began to sketch cars and houses, even though he writes that he was "not a born draftsman."

23.  DES was written in red.

24.  Desai typically spends a long time, years sometimes, collecting material, reading, researching, thinking, "scribbling," before she begins writing.

25.  Denver-based investment adviser Kathy Buys has set out to change that by writing a book designed to educate women on the basics of how to invest.

26.  Denying them this chance in an effort to protect McVeigh "would, in turn, severely prejudice Terry Nichols," Matsch wrote.

27.  Deonarine's lawyer has said the doctor wrote only legitimate prescriptions.

28.  Desmon writes for the Palm Beach Post, West Palm Beach, Fla.

29.  Despairing, she asked her agent for advice, and was told she ought to write about her day-to-day experiences in the morgue.

30.  Desperate as the nation's condition might appear, virtually nobody is writing Lukashenko off.

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