21.  As a class-action lawsuit, the health-and-welfare funds would represent more than 620,000 workers in Missouri.

22.  Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott represented the British government.

23.  Deputy Public Defender Dennis Cohen, who represented Kelly in the trial, did not return calls for comment.

24.  Delegates represent a cross section of cultural, social and economic backgrounds and not just politicians and recognized civil rights leaders.

25.  Delegates representing 76 percent of all workers voted to approve the contract, said IUE research director Doug Meyer.

26.  Delegates representing Mexico's conservative National Action Party, or PAN, recently named Fox their nominee for Mexico's presidential election on July 2, 2000.

27.  Delegates representing the two Kansas Citys are to meet within two weeks to begin mapping a communitywide effort.

28.  Delta and the Air Line Pilots Association, which represents the airline's 10,000 pilots, have been negotiating a new contract for 17 months.

29.  Delta is the least-unionized major airline, with only pilots, pilot training instructors and flight dispatchers represented.

30.  Delta is the least-unionized major airline, with pilots the only big worker group represented.

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