91.  Although officials say violence resulting from traffic altercations is rare, there's no doubt drivers in the Valley _ and around the country _ are becoming more aggressive.

92.  Even within his party, there are doubts.

93.  Few doubt there will be more forceful ones.

94.  Ewing downplayed his obvious advantage, but there was no doubt that this was not the same as facing Houston's Hakeem Olajuwon or Orlando's Shaquille O'Neal.

95.  First, there is widespread doubt that it will come through the next recession without losing money, the expectations of its fans notwithstanding.

96.  First, there's no doubt stress is a factor in diseases and may explain why heart attack and stroke rates are greater for men.

97.  Foote said he named his store Replicas because he wanted to make sure there was no doubt.

98.  For a start, there are still doubts about the pace of reform.

99.  Few doubt there will be cuts, since even President Clinton is joining the chorus -- although with somewhat less gusto -- for a leaner government.

100.  For if there is one place where there is no doubt about Park's being a No. 1 starter, it's his homeland.

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