91.  As a consequence, those books will no longer be available, because without sales publishers won't be able to afford to publish them.

92.  Curious, isn't it, that the most powerful voices in the land should be, after all, so relentlessly /{provincial/}.

93.  Curiously, Langham has not been a great fan of Moliere.

94.  Curiously, though, the division was not along gender lines.

95.  Delving into a Jewish family's history isn't always easy, given the Jewish naming system that existed prior to the 1800s, Blatt said.

96.  Demand cannot be satisfied.

97.  Current rumblings of discontent and intolerance, however, were not on the mind of Mayer Hock and other Holocaust survivors who attended.

98.  Currently an effective bait is not available to the general public.

99.  Derrick wasn't happy being here and he let everybody know it.

100.  Des Gunewardena, chief executive of Conran Holdings, was not merely surprised.

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