1.  When this name was announced, everyone's eyes were turned towards her and then some turned to me rapidly.

2.  Unfortunately, men always turn blind eyes to the great efforts women make, for they possess the high self-esteem that they are average-looking and unique.

3.  Much pure as it would be, love in campus, also as a part of learning in some ways, should not only be turned a blind eye on but be encouraged validly.

4.  Since people tend to pay more attention to university ranking nowadays, let's turn our eyes on the No. 1 university throughout the world--Harvard University.

5.  Even though telecommuting has lots of advantages, we can't turn a blind eye to its drawbacks.

6.  Because for boys, turning their eyes away from the partner's face can help them more mind-concentrated.

7.  However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online education, we can not turn a blind eye to its disadvantages.

8.  However, in spite of convenience and more choices, we cannot turn a blind eye to its disadvantages.

9.  A wide variety of Chinese nowadays, especially teenagers, are accustomed to just learning what will appear in the test paper , turning a blind eye to their scientific literacy.

10.  What's more, never turn a blind eye to your own virtue.

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