1.  Before the Wright Brothers get the success, many people had tried to fly.

2.  Many of them have tried to absorb his methods and his philosophy.

3.  Having tried hard to understand what\

4.  Hundreds of corporations have tried to imitate the Apple.

5.  For decades, many other brilliant inventors, leaders, designers have been trying to imitate or absorb Jobs' philosophy.

6.  Many of them may have tried to absorb Steve Jobs' methods and his philosophy.

7.  However, if you want to learn Engliah well you'd better try your best to remember all relative words\

8.  In a word, if we want to understand people more efficiently, we'd better try to understand the different communicative ways among boys and girls.

9.  Researchers have tried to make sculpture of David, including every inch.

10.  After the computer was invented, people have long been trying to discover a way to transfer information more conveniently.

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