1.  Stereotyping which always appear in dramas and books stands in need of serious re-appraisal.

2.  Therefore, boys stand for the science, girls stand for the humanity in a general way.

3.  Teachers stand in front of the class, while students listening.

4.  However, throughout history, many excellent women stand out to prove the mainstream totally nonsense.

5.  They stand out to have their own businesses differ from stayed behind men.

6.  He can't stand anymore so that he makes up his mind to take the life of the old man.

7.  The most beautiful woman out of the contest stands for the institution.

8.  She stands beside me and smiles, just like the black rose breaks out in the midnight.

9.  In my opinion, I am standing on the site of translating and memorizing word.

10.  With time passing by, he/ she stands a great chance to forget it or get confused.

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