1.  According to the measure of three scanners, researchers found that the height of David is 17 feet tall, not the formal date 14 feet, 3 inches tall.

2.  Next, researchers found the "tricks" with the help of advanced computer graphics in order to recreate his great works.

3.  The researchers have found the tricks how Mary held Christ on her lap by letting she stand up in the images.

4.  These researchers find that the history books wrongly described the height of David.

5.  Incidentally, researchers found David stands 14 feet, which the history books say, is wrong.

6.  In the fourth paragraph, researchers found some of Michelangelo's "tricks".

7.  When researchers find this kind of branches, they would view them as interesting and meaningful.

8.  Unexpectedly, researchers found the history books concerning the height of David are wrong and had to redesign their equipment to reach the top of the sculpture.

9.  The equipment they used can view David the sculpture every detail, by measure the masterpiece researchers could find more information that even visitors to the gallery can not view, they hope eventually to be able to animate the statue, just like they did for Pieta, the computer images allow Marry to stand up, so we know she has very long legs, that's why Christ could lie on her lap.

10.  In addition, the researchers have found that the Pieta puts a full-grown man on a small woman's lap by giving Mary extremely long legs.

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