1.  Speaking of the relationship between love and learning, someone hold the view that students should focus on learning instead of love.

2.  Concerning love , people hold different ideas.

3.  Facing this trend, people hold different ideas towards it.

4.  Concerning this phenomenon , various people hold quite different opinion .

5.  Facing the phenomenon, different people hold different views.

6.  Some people including college students, parents, and part of critics acting a role of the opponents, they hold the belief that students who live in campus shouldn't love because it will influence their study life.

7.  According to survies, everyone holds different views of love and learning after entering the ideal universities.

8.  Talking about the relationship between love and study, different people hold controversial views.

9.  Taking the original cause of this patten into account, some people hold the view that boys communicate with each other through working together, while girls maintain their friendship by talking.

10.  Facing love and learning, students hold controversial views.

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